Today we live in an age where everyone suffers.

Today we live in an age where everyone suffers.

Today we live in an age where everyone suffers. But each person thinks the cause of their suffering is their neighbor. In reality, we suffer because of ourselves. Let me conclude with something I read recently that deeply resonated with me, though I’m unsure if I’ve shared it before. Saint Paisios called demons tagalakiá. I read the following story about them:

Once, the tagalakiá [demons] held a conference.

"Where should we hide happiness so that humans can never find it?"

One suggested, "I propose we hide it on the highest mountain in the world. Who will manage to find it up there?"

Another responded, "No, today humans have so many tools; they can climb anywhere. They’ll find it even there."

A third said, "I suggest we hide it in the depths of the greatest ocean. Who could possibly reach it there?" "They have submarines and so many devices; they’ll find it there too."

The smallest tagalaki remained silent. The others asked him, "What do you think, little one?"

He replied, "I have a different idea. Let’s hide happiness in a place where humans will never believe it exists. That way, they’ll never succeed in finding it."

The others were impressed. "Good idea! But where could such a place be?" He answered, "I propose we hide human happiness within their own souls. They’ll never think to look for it there because they won’t believe it can be found within." This is our tragedy. God has told us: "Indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21).

We seek happiness outside ourselves, and thus we never find it. My wish, and yours as well, is to look toward God with love and freedom, and to look at others with the same love and freedom—to discover the hidden happiness within us. Let us humble ourselves, find peace, and uncover the purpose and beauty of our own souls. 

+ Metropolitan Pavlos of Sisani and Siatista

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