Singing will help you greatly

Singing will help you greatly

"Singing will help you greatly. Always sing softly. Singing calms the soul. It calms even wild animals, and how much more a person! You see, when they hear singing, a lion and a wolf sit peacefully like lambs and calmly listen. When a person sings, he is like a farmer who, in the heat of the day, must harvest a field overgrown with thorns, with the grain lying down. And he begins the harvest by singing. With the song, he forgets the difficulties and joyfully completes the work. He benefits from the fruits of his small production, and afterward, he feels rested. I also advise people who go through trials and who are sorrowful to sing various hymns. Sing a ‘It is Truly Meet,’ and you will see—the devil will gather his things and flee. Singing is disdain for the devil."

+Saint Paisios the Athonite - "Spiritual Counsels, Volume IV: Family Life."

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